Manscaping or don’t go using a cut throat for a brozillian

I was just having a shave, head, face belly and balls, when I got to thinking about all those ER visits for genital injuries.

Now my routine is pretty straightforward start at the top and work down (I use a different razor for my balls – just so no-one goes ewwww!!!). Anyway, while I was at it on my ever expanding scrotal skin, I slipped with the razor nicking myself. It was a bit of an awkward one, bled like a stuck pig, bit then these things do.

I was considering using a styptic, but thought better of it as it stings on my face, it’s gonna hurt like hell on my ball, so a few dabs with toilet tissue and all sorted.

It got me thinking, thank god we don’t use straight edge (cut throat) razors anymore and we have the safety razor. One slip and it would be a long difficult explanation at ER.

I know there is less pressure on blokes to keep their tackle tidy than there is on women and watching the leg gymnastics that DW gets into in the bath to keep her pussy completely bald all the way down and around, but scrotum shaving is a real chore, grab the damn skin and it just expands.

So there you have it a rather mundane chore and frankly a bit unnecessary after being married ten years, but then neither of us have seen each other with untamed pubic growth. Perhaps it would add a bit of extra frisson to our lives, become Mr. & Mrs. Hairy.